The Valencian documentary producer Barret has launched the Giving Birth in the 21st century project. It consists of an interactive web documentary, a podcast and a feature film.
Giving birth in 21 century
Presenting an commissioned illustration for the cover of a Spotify podcast episode addressing obstetric violence. The artwork aims to convey the seriousness of the topic and alludes to the podcast’s goal of taking the issue to the United Nations.
Design aesthetics
The design materials feature a modern, light, and vibrant aesthetic. I used a mix of warm and cool colors, such as teal, coral, and peach, to create a positive and empathetic vibe.
Giving voice to important things
Thoughtful use of graphics and imagery to represent the project essence.
Tailored social media templates for a unified brand presence.
Engaging infographics to present valuable information effectively.
Estamos utilizando lo de las galleticas para brindarte una mejor experiencia (chin chin) y BLA BLA BLA